1h Soul level Animal communication®
You will be able to deepen the connection with your animal and learn
Service Description
how he/she is helping you to evolve, In this 50 Min reading with your furry friend alive or on the other side you'll get ● The possibility to ask several questions ● Get to know how your animal feels in his body ● Learn how your animal is helping you on a deeper level These are examples of issues or behaviours you may have questions about in a reading: ● health ● vacation ● house soiling ● anxity ● barking ● move ● separation ● running away ● a new family member ● preparing for vet visit ● how to best support your pet approaching the end ● if you want to connect with your pet on the other side Above question are only examples you are of course free to ask your own questions... It’s important to realize that animal communication is NOT a medical consultation nor a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from a qualified veterinarian. If you wish to contact your pet on the other side, you may ask several questions that may help you to better understand the passing of your beloved animal and bring you the awareness needed to lighten up your heavy heart during your grief. These are things you may ask during the reading: ● How your pet is doing on the other side ● any question you may have about the passing ● is your pet still around ● is your pet giving you signs ● Was their anything you could have done differently ● is your pet still helping you from the other side ● What your pet is teaching you on a deeper level Above question are only examples you are of course free to ask your own questions...
Cancellation Policy
Si vous avez un empêchement, pensez à me prévenir dès que possible svp afin qu'on puisse en convenir d'un autre et laisser la place à quelqu'un d'autre. Il y a toujours une solution. If for any reason you can not show up for our appointment, please inform me a.s.a.p. and we'll find a solution together. A lire avant toutes consultations intuitive: Les conseils intuitifs et les guidances ne sont donnés qu'à des fins de informatives. Les clients conservent le droit d'utiliser les guidances intuitives selon leur libre arbitre et leur discernement. Les décisions finales et les actions sont de la seule responsabilité du client. Karin Delaitre ne peut être tenue responsable d'usage que le client en fait. En demandant une guidance, vous comprenez que la guidance intuitive n'est pas destinée à diagnostiquer des problèmes de santé, tels qu'une maladie ou une grossesse. La guidance intuitive ne constitue pas un conseil juridique, financier ou professionnel. INTUITIVE READER DISCLAIMER Intuitive guidance/readings are for entertainment purposes only. Clients retain the right to use Intuitive guidance according to their own free will and discernment. Final decisions and actions are the sole responsibility of the client. By requesting a reading/guidance, you understand that Intuitive guidance is not for diagnosing health issues, such as illness or pregnancy. Intuitive guidance does not constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. We do not guarantee any outcomes of our Intuitive guidance.
Contact Details
Guissény, France