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Zèbres dans la nature

Soul Level Intuitive coaching® Package

6 x 1H30 sessions (phone or zoom)

1 h 30 minGuissény

Service Description

My guides and I will connect with you and lead you step by step to uncover your negative beliefs. You'll discover where they come from, why and how you act on them. By gaining awareness, things will start to shift like magic. This is a life-changing process a deep connection with yourself and your guides. Therefore six sessions are necessary before you can continue on your own. We'll meet approximately every 15 days to give you time to process between. You choose the first appointment in the calendar and we'll schedule the others together.

Cancellation Policy

Si vous avez un empêchement, pensez à me prévenir dès que possible svp afin qu'on puisse en convenir d'un autre et laisser la place à quelqu'un d'autre. Il y a toujours une solution. If for any reason you can not show up for our appointment, please inform me a.s.a.p. and we'll find a solution together. A lire avant toutes consultations intuitive: Les conseils intuitifs et les guidances ne sont donnés qu'à des fins de informatives. Les clients conservent le droit d'utiliser les guidances intuitives selon leur libre arbitre et leur discernement. Les décisions finales et les actions sont de la seule responsabilité du client. Karin Delaitre ne peut être tenue responsable d'usage que le client en fait. En demandant une guidance, vous comprenez que la guidance intuitive n'est pas destinée à diagnostiquer des problèmes de santé, tels qu'une maladie ou une grossesse. La guidance intuitive ne constitue pas un conseil juridique, financier ou professionnel. INTUITIVE READER DISCLAIMER Intuitive guidance/readings are for entertainment purposes only. Clients retain the right to use Intuitive guidance according to their own free will and discernment. Final decisions and actions are the sole responsibility of the client. By requesting a reading/guidance, you understand that Intuitive guidance is not for diagnosing health issues, such as illness or pregnancy. Intuitive guidance does not constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. We do not guarantee any outcomes of our Intuitive guidance.

Contact Details

  • Guissény, France

We are lucky to live with the wisest souls why not listen to what they have to say...

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